Name: William Hyde
Regiment: 2nd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, Co G
Letters: Brother
Death: Unknown
Fort Lincoln March 22nd 1864
Dear Brother,
Being some time sinse I have received a letter from you I thought I would sit down and write you a few lines. I hope this will find you and all our folks well. I am in very good health at present. We were paid on this day and I send $20 by Adams Express in your care for Mother. This Regiment was paid on yesterday and today. It took I believe over $120,000 to pay it as the Regiment contains over 2000 members. They have now stopped recruiting as they have a great many recruits for it still in Philada who have not yet been sent down. The weather is very fine and pleasant here at present drilling is now the order of the day. We have battalion Regimental and Company drills daily. Col. Gibson takes active command now. I mentioned to you about a Court of Inquiry being held on him some of the officers in the Regiment brought charges against him also Gov Curtin is down on him However he came out victorious he was too smart for them and besides the charges were very frivolous. However he is now putting them through a course of spronts with particular and rigid orders which they have to carry out. Give my love to Mother Sarah Ann John & James and my best respects to Capt Foster Jeff Clarke and all inquiring friends and hopeing to hear soon from you I remain your affectionate brother,
William Hyde
I have recd your kind and welcome letter on this evening Monday March 21st. I am glad to hear that you and all the folks are well and I am very glad to know that you have received that appointment of the city park and I wish you good sucess in the undertaking which I am certain you will have. I was glad to know that the [ILLEGIBLE] benefit came off so successfully I wrote the former part of this letter before we were paid and so as I would have no trouble in slipping into Washington to the Express office the Regiment is getting paid today at Bunker Hill and we will be paid here tomorrow for end on March 22
Near Petersburg Augt 11 1864
Dear Brother,
Having just now a little spare time to myself thought I would scrawl you a few lines, hopeing it may find you Mother and all our folks in good health. I am pretty well at present thanks be to the Almighty for his mercies to me. Enclosed you will find an Adams Express receipt for $17-- which I sent to you on last Monday which I hope will arrive safe. On Tuesday about noon there was a terrible explosion [line cut off] before the time. It occurred on board a transport where there was a large quantity of ammunition there was a great many lives lost a portion of the wharf was blown away also Adams Express office and the Post Office. Please send me some postage stamps when you write to me the Rebels attempted lately to blow up 2 of our forts one in front the lines of our Corps and one in the 5th Corp in both cases it was a failure and on the 5th Corp they attempted to [line cut off] are very quiet here at present no charging on either side but keep up a very brisk fire of artillery Monday skirmish and sharp shooting on both sides The weather is extremely hot here at present and the men exposed to the intense heat in the rifle pits without shade for 48 hours make extremely unpleasant the term before this our men were out for 7 days and nights It is astonishing that the 4/5ths of the troops are not in the hospital as there is no rest at all in this campaign. The flies musquitoes and other nameless insects are an intolerable nuisance here and I have not been yet in a climate more disagreeable outside the dangers from the enemys shot and shell our Regt is beginning to get less every day them 7 days we were in the pits we lost over 30 men in Killed and wounded.
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