Title: Please include the WC (Widows' Certificate) file number as your post title. These numbers can dependably be found on the folders the file is in, on the brief, and on the wrappers. This is important, because most letters DO NOT have the WC number written on them. The WC number enables future researchers to know where to look if they wish to see the entire file in which a letter is found.
Basic Information: We ask that you include the following basic information, where possible, before posting your letters (please note the name/regiment format):
- Name: John Smith
- Regiment: 1st Pennsylvania Infantry, Co A
- Letters: [Who the letter is to, ex. mother, brother, wife; death notice if applicable]
- Death: Cause of death, if known
Tags: Adding tags is an important step in the project. We will treat these tags like "metadata" that might someday get converted into search-able and filter-able format. Basic tags we ask you to include are who the letter is to (mother, wife, etc.), whether the letter is a death notice (tag: "death"), place of death (especially if died in battle), and cause of death. These are important pieces of information for researchers who might be searching for a particular kind of letter. You are also encouraged to come up with your own tags. If you have a love letter, if your letter is angry, sad, happy-- add these emotions or descriptors as tags. You never know who will be using this project for research, and the more data we can attach to each post, the better.